My dear friend Heidi offered to watch my kids overnight for my birthday. Such a perfect birthday gift-she knows me well. There's nothing in life I want more than to spend uninterrupted play time with Geof. We were going to backpack in and camp overnight a couple hours west of Richmond, but decided against the camping part. We opted instead to hike
Old Rag. The same hike Cole and Geof. did a few months ago. It was so nice. I could not believe Cole had done this! I was exhausted. We hiked the last 5 miles in the dark-the moon and the stars were bright-it's not often that I look up to see them.
We ate in the quaint college town of Charlottesville and then headed back to our place-without kids!-and collapsed in bed. So tired.
Slept in 'til 10:30 (!!), ate breakfast, headed to the
Virginia Holocaust Museum, and then went on a great run downtown. We did all the things we've been wanting to do for sometime, but can't with kids. Honest. The museum doesn't allow children and June and Dayne would not have been able to handle the hike.
Happy Tenth Anniversary, Geof. (in a few weeks)!