We're leaving for Disneyworld tomorrow!! Well, to be more accurate, we're actually leaving for CA tomorrow to drop the girls off and then Geof. will meet us there and he, Cole, and I will leave on Sunday for Orlando. My sister Amy offered to take Dayne and June so we could enjoy the park more, and I couldn't be more willing! At first I thought, 'oh, I couldn't leave 'em'..., but the more I thought about it, the more I realized they wouldn't care either way, and we'd save a few bucks not buying Dayne's ticket.

I bathed the kids tonight and took some cute pics of Dayne actually smiling. I used my color accent feature again, hence the weird yellowy accents and the blue, looks 'like we're not breathing' lips.

Cole's become very concerned with his appearance lately. After each bath he makes sure to brush his hair to perfection asking me the whole time, "Mom, do I look handsome? Is my hair okay?" I don't really know where he got that since I spend a good 1-2 minutes on my hair and Geof., as you know, is bald. (:

I was brushing Dayne's hair and telling her how pretty she was and Cole said, "That's not fair (very Cole like statement)! Dayne's hair is prettier than mine!!" So I teased him a bit for wanting to be pretty and put his hair up like Dayne's. He
does have great hair, doesn't he?? Gotta love the up the nostrils pic of me...and the double chin.