Should I lighten my hair? I'm always going back and forth with it. aahh! My poor sister in law, Ellynn! She must think I'm never happy with her work. No way, Ellynn. I just get bored.

Cole and Daddy working on the Hulk puzzle that Santa brought. These two love puzzles.

What happens when I don't pay enough attention to Cole. He had gone up to the sister missionary's room and stolen their yarn and had tied himself in knots, as well as being tied up to various objects in the house. I was actually a little scared trying to get him out, "Cole, you could of choked to death!!"
Here's a funny little video Cole and I did last Sunday. Silly kid. We really need to invest in a video camera..wait, I just realized we DO have one, back in Richmond. Some day we'll get it. }: The kids are getting big fast. Geof. says June is our caboose. Are we done? Now is not the time to ask.
Cole tied up in knots? CLASSIC! The video? LOVED IT! You look really excited to be 30. Are you pregnant??!! (I'm not!)
haha! your funny. shoot, you might as well jump on the bandwagon and have another baby...and i say lighten your hair too. its crazy cause i just went in a couple of days ago to lighten mine some more. i don't think i'll ever dye it brown again. too much work for me. :)
My favorite part is my fat, double chin.
I LOVE the video... sigh... tear... Whatever. IT MADE ME REALLY MISS YOU GUYS! We are moving in JUNE at the earliest. PLEASE COME VISIT US. PLEASE!!!????
Cole is so funny! i love seeing the adorable pictures of your kids!
I don't know, I personally am partial to dark hair in the winter, blondy in the summer!
OMGosh Adorable! You need to do more videos like that -- classic
ok makes me want to cry. I love the picken the nose thing. Garen would be poken me in the boob with his toy. I like you dark well I guess its medium but thats just cause Im loving my brown hair but I like that you look good all colors it makes me try new things. I went short because you look so dang good with short hair I was hoping being your sister it might mean I look ok with it. ok dont leave washington till we come and call me on what is up with your job thing.
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