Oh well. We're done the end of Oct. We'll keep Cole in, though because he LOVES it and is getting really good! He's become quite the offensive player, getting 5 goals for his team on Sat. If only he could be outdoors all day....he'd love his life. And so would we. (:
June's completely content lounging around, being read to, and watching Disney princess movies (as stated in my last post). She's pretty easy if she has those things at her disposal. I did take her for a walk the other day because I'm feeling like she's not moving enough and therefore, doesn't go to sleep easily (and doesn't STAY asleep).
Geof. came home happy and tired. Said he had one of the most spiritual weekends of his life. Very good men to be around and full of wisdom-both secular and spiritual. Glad he could go.
I, on the other hand, think I've developed a gluten intolerance. Every thing I read points to it, and darn it, I'm not happy about it. Most mornings I have severe cramping and flu like symptoms. And we don't even have to talk about the fatigue or depression that I also experience. I don't want to deal with it. I'm lazy. No, I'm tired. So many other things to think about. Especially when I'm a pretty healthy person (or so I thought)..why this..now? hm..lots of prayers. I need answers.
I started directing our Stake Youth Choir again a few Sundays back. We'll be singing for Stake Conference in Nov. I love these youth! They're so sweet and good. I feel lucky to be around them and even though the anxiety comes on every Sunday around 5 (practice is at 630), the rehearsal always turns out fine. Just have to build up my confidence; even with the knowledge that there are many, MANY people who could do a better job.