Cole, Dayne, and June adored "baby Violet", which is easy to do since she's the happiest little girl on earth. Fun times.

We ate our Thanksgiving meal on Tues. evening, went on an adult only date to see Harry Potter, drove to Jamestown and took a free ferry across the James (this was SO much fun..and did I mention, free?), and lucky for us, Brind and Julia introduced us to "Better Off Ted". Very funny..especially sitting next to Geof. and Brind whose laughter causes me to chuckle just hearing it. So, Kansas Bennett clan, thank you for sacrificing 4 days of driving to come see us, you 4 (Julia's pregnant)!
And the last pic all the way down there..? Geof. and I went to DC and biked for 36 miles from Roosevelt Island to Mt. Vernon and back. The trail follows the Potomac and was just as we imagined, beautiful. I am so happy being with Geof. and doing what we love most...which is playing outside (in case you were wonderin').