Anyway, let me give you some reasons I haven't blogged lately.
#1: My camera is broken with no hopes of a Resurrection. I miss it. Although it was just a point and shoot, I was so impressed by its abilities! My creative juices just aren't flowin' without the pics to go with the story.
#2: This whole house buying event has been quite the EVENT!! We're supposed to close in a week.., yes! 7 days! And still we know nothing at all about whether or not our loan approval is finalized, when our 1st time home buyer grant is going through..etc, etc. The whole economic downfall has made the regulations/rules/what have you for purchasing a home much stricter and more thorough than before..which is a good thing, but lame for those of us who were smart enough NOT to buy without proof of income (whenever the no doc loans were big), who have good credit, who have saved and penny pinched so we could afford a home,,and now don't know if that'll occur (and it's not just Geof.'s negativity rubbing off on me...).
So give me a few days and hopefully we'll have more answers. I want this house!! But I'm trying not to get too connected just. in .case.
Cole is in soccer again. We don't ever want to take him out. He's doing so well! I mean, he is a natural athlete but he's really picked up on dribbling and not just doing the big kicks. He scored 6 of the 7 goals in his last game. It'll be interesting to see how he does next season when he plays with only boys. Things definitely need to be more competitive. It's been so fun to watch him.
The girls started dance last Friday at the YMCA and are very happy with that. Especially the whole leotard/tutu/tights/slippers part. Oh, what could be better than that?!!
Hm..Spring is here in Richmond and so beautiful and vibrant! I love spring. Of course, everyone's snottier and more congested than usual, but it's always such a reprieve from the winter months. Welcome Spring!!
I'm dying with you on the house situation! Man, I hope they sort that out. SO frustrating!
In other news, your girls and Geof. all "snuggled" up (I personally don't mind the word) look awfully sweet.
I always like your life at the moment posts. Makes me feel like we just had an afternoon catch-up session while I kids played (or fought as the case may be). Almost as good as the real deal.
I love how Geof. is keeping his eyes closed like he's sleeping.
He was OUT, I swear Jordan (or Megan). (: That's what crazy, he really WAS sleeping through it all. Such a Bennett...
Wow, I am so excited for you to be hopefully getting your house!!!
You guys are very smart and deserve a reward. I want to see pictures of it if it all works out. ANd Happy SPRING!
glad to hear the sports are going so well!
How do you keep up with the schedule with having all three in sports/dance? Good luck with the loan...I'm sorry it is so difficult. Spring in Richmond, I want to see it! :)
Cole has practice Wed. nights right before scouts, and games Sat. morning. The girls have dance on Friday from 530-6 and 6-630. Not too bad. However, what was I THINKING to put them in dance on Friday evening?? That's totally cuts into our weekend Spring camping trips. We might pull them out and wait til fall. We also do it through the YMCA which is so low key and inexpensive, otherwise there's no way I would have put June in at 3!! (;
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