Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm in a funk lately. I don't know if I pushed too hard the first 4 days I was here.., and now I just don't care what's done or not, or what?! But I don't care. I need to re-clean the bathroom because it still has a really strong urine smell in there (I know, spare the details, right?), wipe down ALL the walls in the house, vacuum and shampoo all the carpets, and figure out what to do with all the clothes I mailed myself out here (I think I more than doubled my wardrobe while living in WA). Geof.'s working like crazy which is good for us, but hard when you're home all day without a car. I don't want to be here cleaning!! I want to be at the river playing, or the park, or playing in the fountains at the mall. Oh well, over time I'm sure all the pictures will be hung, the laundry room won't smell like cat urine, and I won't cringe when I walk barefoot over the carpet. Thanks Mom for the appreciation of a clean home, but it sure is hard when you're trying to stay relaxed! (; I took this pic of our dinner table turned office desk for my sister Amy. She was interested. You don't have to be.
Mom, you say you want more pics of me on the blog. Here's me and June-bug. I just realized that when Geof. takes the camera with him to work, he turns to quality of the pics down to the lowest (is that even the right way to say it?). Anyway, so the quality of all these pics is pretty low grade. Sorry! Still lovin' my couch, though! My legs, however? Thanks be to Cole's photography skills.

Here's our panelled playroom. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. I keep finding framed pics and shoving them onto the hearth. In time, in time..

Our NEW dining table. Just like our old one, but smaller. Thanks Aimee!

June's new attitude. Oh wowsers. This kid has a worst temper than Cole and Dayne combined. No joke. What WILL I do?
P.S. Yes, June HAS been in a diaper most days. I get here dressed in the morning, and after a few meals in our lame IKEA highchair which has the kid sitting a good foot from the tray, she's naked again.

Miss him. It's been over a month (probably a bit more than that,even) that we've gone on a date. We need our dates. In time..have to keep telling myself that.

Our good friends the van Rooyens adopted Lyla and Darby from Vietnam a year ago. We went over there the other night for dinner and it was so fun having friends for Junie (not like she or they noticed the closeness in age).


Emily said...

I know all about the funk! Sometimes is best just to do nothing inside and go have fun outside instead. At least that's what I keep telling myself! LOVE every single picture in this post. June is a doll. The new pic of your girls on the bike in the year, is totally retro and I love it the best! Did I mention that I'm happy and excited for you guys yet?!!

Emily said...

yard not year
k bye