Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkins and our society..

We carved pumpkins Monday night. The kids were soo excited. It's funny how much you realize the sacrifices your parents made when you become a parent. I mean, yes, carving pumpkins is fun, but it's also a big mess and the kids are crawling all over you, sticking their hands in goopy pumpkin mess, grabbing knifes outta the knife drawer to help you. It gets a little crazy! But it's worth it. It's like camping. Camping with little kids is A LOT of work. Camping with kids, period, is a lot of work (thanks Mom and Dad, btw!). But you do it for them and their memories..mess and all.

So you wanna hear something lame? Cole brings a letter home from school yesterday stating that Friday is "pajama day" and that they must wear clothing underneath their pjs. WHat?! No Halloween costume? It's absolute nuttiness, I tell ya. Geof. says he remembers being younger and not celebrating Christmas (at school), but spending a good week studying Hannukah. It's like we're appealing to the minority, not the majority. I LOVED Halloween parties! It's such a treat to be able to wear your costume to school. And the whole clothing UNDER the pj's thing? What's that about? So frustrating..


Emily said...

NIce memory making, cool pumpkins, lame pajama day. I totally remember wearing my halloween costume to school every year in elementary school and LOVING it. By the time I got home after being outside for 2 recesses I'm pretty sure i was a disheveled mess that my mom had to put back together for trick-or-treating that night! Owen's school has a pumpkin carnival on Sat that we're going too, but no costumes are allows on Friday during school. What gives?!

julie said...

darla, didn't anyone ever teach you that you can't carve a pumpkin with a butter knife?

Mindi said...

Wow, too bad for Cole and the anti-costume school. Sierra and Kaia have a half-day tomorrow because of the Halloween celebrations. There will be a costume parade and class parties with "healthy food" (yeah right). Only thing is they are both fighting over who gets to wear these crappy, dollar store fairy costumes.

GeorgeAndBethness said...

Great, great memories. I especially liked the black pumpkin. I resemble that pumpkin. Loved our June with the precious white slip (or was it a princess dress), Cole and Dayne carving, and our precious daughter and son-in-law. We really pine for you all. Love Dad and Mome

Gina said...

So you got a good deal on all the pumpkins, and you made them look great! I did the pumpkin carving alone this year with the boys. So I understand your description of the craziness. Now onto thanksgiving...