Last Friday the kids and I drove up to D.C., spent the night at my cousin Ivy's house, played with cousins, and then took the 14 hour (googlemaps told me 9) hour drive north to my cousin Brad's in-law's in Londonderry, NH. We've been here a week watching Brad and his wife Julie's kids, Boman and Ivy. Sweet babies. I'm in New England! I wish I could come back in 2 months and see it in all its glory. We went to the most picturesque little lake today and the road leading to it made me feel like I was in the 1700s..or earlier?! It was amazing. Oh, and my camera was stolen the 2nd day I was here. So no pics. LAME. We've been swimming in a local pond/lake almost everyday and the weather is much nicer than down south--not a lot of bugs or humidity, either. (: Julie and I went to the Boston Temple this morning and had Thai food in Cambridge afterward. So nice. Didn't really see Boston or Cambridge but hope to come back for a weekend with Geof.
Anyway, driving back tomorrow after church. Julie is sending me on a different route, away from the major cities so that I can hopefully fly home without the constant traffic I dealt with driving north. And she also mentioned that it's a lot prettier. I was imagining the drive up to be a lot more scenic. Nope. Just a lot of trees. So I hope this drive goes better (other than the fact that our a/c is STILL out..yuck!) and more enjoyable for all of us. And we can't wait to see geof. He's so good to us. We are lucky.
One more month of summer. We'll buy a 99 dollar pass to the neighborhood pool, relax, try to squeeze in some last minute reading that never got done, and get ready to send my 2 (!!) oldest to school in Sept. ): Oh, and one more class for me until I have my Associates. Wow. That is so not exciting nowadays when even a Doctorate can't get you a job.
"She openeth her mouth with wisdom: and in her tongue is the law of kindness." Proverbs 31:26
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
CA/WA trip-part II
Nothing like a good nose-pickin' shot. Anyway, gotta keep up with this trip although I'd rather not blog right now. Not feeling the best. Post-vacation blues, I'm guessing. Oh well. Good to look back on fun times. And fun we had! Going up to WA is always wonderful. WHenever I see pictures of someone ELSE'S trip up to visit my in-laws and sister in law (and her fam), I get jealous. It really is a non-stop party. And another great thing is my most favorite aunt lives up there. She's my mom's sister and her husband is my dad's brother. So it's nice to be around them. I feel very much at home. We stayed up in WA for about 9 days. Cole drove up a few days after with my dad and was also able to stay a few days longer at the tail end of the trip. I think that was special for him. He really loves his grandmas and Gma Le Anne is sure to make him feel important. The drive to and from CA was so nice for me and the girls! I always dread road trips but this one was so easy. I won't say it's because Cole wasn't there..but, it kinda was. Really, it's 2 instead of 3. Changes EVERYTHING. And it's beautiful. The drive is absolutely gorgeous (most of it, at least). I could live in a number of the towns we drove through: Redding, Lake Shasta (is that a town? Okay, I could live ON the lake), Ashland, Medford..just to name a few. So pretty. So perfect. We spent time with all three of Geof.'s sisters; Brooke, who was up visiting with her family from CA (we actually ended our vacation at the wonderful home in Monterey), Meagan (who lives in Battle Ground and Cole loves spending time with her sons. Finally, some boy time for Cole!), and Ellynn (keeps us laughing and entertained all the time. And her toddler Finn is probably the cutest boy you've ever seen). We also saw Mindi (Geof.'s brother's wife) and her kids. They had driven all the way from Colorado. I won't forget that Jason, Adam, and Brind and Julia (all siblings or spouses) were also there, but I didn't get enough time with them! We went to parks, ate a lot, played a lot, talked a lot. I love Geof.'s family. I'm very blessed in that regard. And I love seeing my aunt and uncle and their beautiful home (and yard!). Some cousins from Spokane came for a day and we were able to spend a Sat. afternoon with them. We never have enough time with this particular family so it was so awesome to see them!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Another good concert!!

Geof.'s boss's boss won tickets to see Dave Matthews in VA Beach tomorrow night. And he can't go! And Geof.'s boss Seth doesn't like Dave, so guess who the tickets trickled down to? Yes! And when I went to look at the time and location, I saw that Amos Lee is opening for them. I think I might like him even more than Dave Matthews, himself. So, good news!! And June turned 3 on July 5th. We didn't do much to celebrate in CA, but did have a little family celebration with donut holes and Polly Pocket surprises that she calls, "Her happy birthday parties". It's so funny. Today she and Dayne were "bathing" them in the sink, and June yells out, "Mom! Dayne took my happy birthday parties! They're MINE happy birthday parties..". No, she still hasn't grown out of the "mine" stage. Any suggestions?
Oh, I can't WAIT to see Dave scream like THIS!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Trip out west-part I
Warning: pics are not in order. We arrived home a few days ago. We had such a nice trip out to CA and WA. We flew into San Fran (the kids were impressed with the cockpit of the plane. I, on the other hand, couldn't help but think how much I dislike aviation) and had a few days with my sister Amy and her family. It was a short visit--only 3 days or so, but always so easy and comfortable staying with the Calls. Dayne's ear ruptured the 2nd day we were there which resulted in her crying all night long and feeling terrible througout the day. Day three we took her to the ER and got some antibiotics and drops. Yucky. We did go to the beach in San Fran and a great park that looks over the city (notice the pic I snapped of the couple getting married? What an amazing view!). At the beach, Junie snuggled up with Aunt Amy who stayed out of the sand while Dayne sat pathetically in the stroller with a wool hat on most of the time covering her infected ears (ouch!..). And crazy Cole ran around like a mad man in the waves with his twin cousins Lydia and Thea. It was freezing!!
Steve and I were pretty impressed with the kite surfers. They get their kites going and then jump on the boards and take off into the ocean at amazing speeds. Some day, I tell myself, someday. I noticed that most of them looked like older guys, healthy, but at least 50-60 years old. Geof. and I have time..
We went to a park the first day and the air felt so cool and clean. You miss that coming from muggy, hot Richmond. Dayne and Cole were obsessed with little Peggy Sue, the Call's dog. She looks like a little Mexican street dog. She put up with my kids carrying her around by her neck and burying her in the sand, so I think they'll keep her. (; Dayne was in heaven with cousin Daphne braiding and brushing her hair constantly (why is it that anyone and EVERYONE else can comb and style her hair but she screams and cries every time I even get near her hair?!). Each night they all slept with a different cousin. Pure heaven.
Brother in law Steve drove us down to Folsom after our time in the bay area. We spent a day or two with my parents before heading up to WA. Things were warmer our in Folsom and we were able to see my gparents at their home where I have so many wonderful memories, go out to chinese food (a definite family tradition) with them, my parents, and my aunt and uncle, and then skip some rocks with Grandpa George at American River. Oh, and I did get to go to the Sacramento temple. Beautiful. Hm...this just doesn't sound very interesting, does it? Too distracted with my kids running all over the place. Well, enjoy the pics.. Stay tuned for more WA trip details!

Friday, July 2, 2010
Love this Portland feelin'
In Battle Ground right now with family. So nice up here. Such clean air. We are happy (but would be happier if Geof. could join us). When we lived here (just over a year ago) I fell in love with their local indi-rock (word?) radio station, 94.7. Just heard this song and although I'd heard it before, I almost fell over in a happy daze hearing the acoustic version. This station's playlist is so great. I plan to listen to it a lot more in Richmond since their stations really don't compare.'s some pics to enjoy. I've taken a gazillion.
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