"She openeth her mouth with wisdom: and in her tongue is the law of kindness." Proverbs 31:26
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Dayne, you are the greatest. Thank you for always singing songs, waking us up, making sure our cars start, and making sure you're the center of our attention. There's no better way to wake up then having your scratchy voice in my ear telling me that you want cereal. Thank you for always dancing, and distributing your beautiful smile to all of us. I love you very much and can't wait to take you on a birthday date.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
~about the kids: Cole is 6, doing Tae Kwon Do. Not really lovin' it. Wants to do soccer. Enjoys school but fights going every day. Hates the rain. Trys really hard to be a good big brother. Adores little June bug.
Dayne: 4 on Friday. Wants balloons, bandaids, and a date with mom and dad (oh, and I musn't forget the bike we've been promising her). Has the greatest smile ever and my goal SHOULD be to get it out of her at least 20 times a day. Still has a rough, low,alto voice that everyone (except for my brother Bevan and his wife Camille) love. Talks my head off all day long and follows me around the house making up all sorts of dialogue. Quite the funny girl.
Juney bug is nearing 2 (I mention that a lot, don't I?). She's still finds herself wrapped up in my arms on my lap often, and I can't complain, but the whining HAS to stop! It must be a girl thing. She and Dayne are within a few feet of me most of the day and I'm slowly accepting this difference between my daughters and my son and I know will greatly appreciate it when they're married and come back to visit.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Why I'll miss Washington..
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009
listen and live!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
This is the FIRST thing they should show in high school World Gov. class

Friday, April 17, 2009
Politics always stir things up..
"Do you think June's eyebrows look weird in the above pic? Should I start plucking them?"
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Got me thinking..
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009
~I decided to add to this post. Not to take Stephanie's experience lightly..at ALL, but I can somewhat relate to her feelings when her plane was crashing. When Geof. was almost done with school, finishing up his final hours, and doing quite a bit of cross country flights, one weekend, he invited me to go along with him to Seattle. On our way back, Geof. and the other pilot were up front (of course) and a mechanic and I were in the back. This plane was BRAND new and the reason we were flying a mechanic back to Provo was because Geof.'s school had had to fly him up to Seattle to fix the plane when we got there because some poor ignorant fool had poured the wrong kind of gasoline in the engine...woops.
So, we were stranded a few days more than planned and were finally on our way back. While flying over some part of Idaho, the other pilot calmly mentioned that one of the engines had gone out. I tried to talk to Geof. and ask him what that meant, if we were okay, etc.???, but he was quiet, busy working the instruments of the plane, and didn't respond. That was my first clue that something was not right. I looked at the mechanic, as well, who also had a troubled look on his face. He didn't respond to me either. That's it, I knew we were crashing. The same thoughts ran through my head-"Who will take care of my kids?", "Have I done my best here on earth?"..etc. And all I could see was my kids' faces. For what seemed like an eternity (probably only a few minutes), Geof. finally responded and told me he was landing the plane. Still not really positive about whether that meant they would 'hopefully' land the plane safely, but I did try to trust that all would be well either way, and prayed like crazy that it would!! We did land safely, and as soon as we got out the tears came. My heart was beating like crazy. Geof. hadn't realized that I was this nervous and didn't know that he should of clearly stated that airplanes CAN fly with only one engine. Just not forever.
Why hadn't he told me that in the beginning??
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
sad day for Cole

Yesterday was a difficult one for Cole. Don't really know why, but many things brought him to tears and utter frustration (and destruction, might I add). At one point, we had all hurt his feelings and he drew this picture. I thought it was so sad (and amusing) that I had him take a pic with it. Yes, that's me next to crying Cole yelling at him. When I showed Geof. the pic, he laughed and said, "All that's missing is some fangs on you..". ha..ha, Geof. );
We did a very bad job this year of listening to General Conference. No excuses, it just didn't happen for us. Today, I decided to start from the very first talk and listened to it while working in the kitchen. SO wonderful. What a perfect talk to start out conference. Very humble, very sweet, very NEEDED for all to hear. Elder Hales quoted Nephi:
"Wherefore, do not spend money for that which is of no worth, nor your labor for that which cannot satisfy. Hearken diligently unto me, and remember the words which I have spoken; and come unto the Holy One of Israel, and feast upon that which perisheth not, neither can be corrupted, and let your soul delight in fatness". 2Nephi 9:51
What a true, pure, scripture. I love the scriptures. I go through spouts (right word?) where I love to read them and really try to study them.., and then I get lazy and read them late at night when I'm falling asleep. Yet when have that desire to read, I pray for it..and it helps. I get more excited to study and learn. It's a wonderful thing.
If you haven't heard this talk, listen to it here:
Monday, April 6, 2009
Spring break

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Oh, Dayne..
hm...how do I pass that up?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April Fool's Day!
"April Fool's Day."
I just laid there and smiled. And then I hit him.